I want to thank each and every single person who's come to this website. I want to send an extra Thank You to each person who orders products from this site also.
When I was a very young girl, my Grandmother taught me how to crochet. That was the beginning that lead to what I am today. I have always loved crafting and creating.
After working for a large local health care company for over 14 years, I was let go because of down sizing. Prior to that however, I began quilting, and sewing again. People would see my work and always say I needed to begin selling the things I would create.
At the same time I lost my full time job, my son - Jonathan was diagnosed with Autism. ADHD, and Bi-Polar disorder. My husband and I decided that I needed to become a stay at home Mom to care for him and be home so that he could receive the in home therapy he desperately needed.
While at home I got more involved in crafting. I learned the differences in types, styles of fabrics, threads and yarns. As I delved further into that world, I feel deeper in love with the appreciation of the texture, the artistry, and the beauty of making things by hand.
I took a likening to natural fibers. Weather its Alpca, Cotton, Merino Wool, Silk, Cashmere, Bamboo, Yak, Lama, Vicuna, etc. I just love the feel of them all, and love creating various projects with them.
I started Stitched Naturally literally out of my home, selling at local farmers markets. That grew to selling at Fiber Fairs, and then local retail stores. As my Companies name grew and more people saw my product, demand also grew. It got to the point I couldn't possibly keep up with the demand and be in all the places needed.
The next logical step was to set up my own website so that it could continue to grow and still be manageable. Lots of my handmade products can still be found in local retail stores, and occasionally at some Fiber Fairs.
My site is small right now, and light on stock levels. But that's because I just opened this store in early June 2017. As demand grows, and of course profit line, so will the stock levels and variety.
I want to keep this site a "Ma & Pa" feeling of a small business. I want to keep it personable. As ecommerce grows in popularity, and web stores grow in size I've seen that small business feeling I remember from when I was a kid begin to disappear. I won't let that happen in my store. I know everyone is tight on money, and have budgets to adhere to. At the same time everyone needs a hobby to help relieve the stresses of life. If you're ever in the area or live near Waukesha WI, you can even avoid shipping costs by stopping by my house (preferably by appointment), or I might even be able to deliver (within reason of course).
Every time someone visits my site I feel satisfaction in knowing I can be a success at this business and help my husband - Glenn support my family, and still be home for our son.
Every time someone makes a purchase from my website, they aren't supporting some Huge Corporation that has forgotten about the customers needs and concerns. They are supporting an average American family that has budgets to worry about, and American dreams to fulfill.
Your support of this goal is SINCERELY appreciated. Your support of a small business will help a family survive and flourish.